Transition Services

Community-based Social/Life Skills Instruction:

The community is the perfect place for an individual to practice being social. Great opportunities exist for the generalization of learned social skills exists through practice out in the world. With guides who understand how a child individually processes information, faster growth in connecting with the social world is bound to occur. Social practice brings about the ability to find the most effectively consistent ways to enjoy engaging the world and the other individuals in it. The idea is to learn and have fun at the same time.

– travel training using public transportation
– learning to use money
– “people watching: as a way to learn and enhance interpreting non-verbal information (body language, tone of voice)
– Learning different social rules depending on the place being visited (museum, cafĂ©/restaurant, department store, train/bus)
– just learning to be more comfortable being out in the world.

Teachable moments are all around us waiting to be carried out while participating in community life.

Vocational Training

Joining the workforce takes preparation. The more you know the easier it is to transition into a job. Getting the job is just the beginning. Enjoying your job in terms of the work culture is equally important.

Here is a cafeteria list of areas to consider:

– interest inventories
– understanding work culture
– searching for a job or internship
– the positive side to a volunteer positio- applying for a job: interviewing, proper attire, resume, sending a cover letter/resume, emailing versus phoning
– dress for success
– what do I do if there’s someone at work that I “like like”?
– when work is boring
– socializing outside of work
– disclosure

Getting Ready for “College Life”

Let’s start from an individual’s sense of what college will be like and build out from there:

– support
– self advocacy
– laundry
– budgeting money
– getting to class
– dorm life (having a roommate)
– dating
– when or when not to be “a hero”
– staying in contact with friends and family (seeing this process as unrelated to asserting one’s independence)
– campus life
– budgeting time
– navigating peer pressure
– embracing exploration (identifying what situations are safe)


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