Public Speaking/Conferences

TEDx Martha Vineyard (August 2014)

Theme of Conference: Genius, Insanity, and the Creative Process

Title of Talk: I [heart] Diagnosis: Build Your Owner’s Manual

Synopsis: I discuss the idea of “Functional Creativity” which is the confident ability that a person develops that allows him/her to adapt and thrive more quickly to setting or situation in life. This is based on the freedom a person discovers with the parameters of “The things I wouldn’t change for the world about myself” and “The things I would change if I could about myself that are related to intelligence (or a lack thereof).

The Chicago Children’s Theatre (May 2011)
Speaker and Trainer
Seminar in 2 Parts:
1) Presentation on “Understanding and Working With Individuals with Social/Emotional Challenges”
2) Training on “Using Narrative-Based Collage as a Vehicle for Growth in Big-Picture Thinking”

The Autism Society of America and the International Association of Theatre for Autism, National Conference (July 2010)
Speaker, 2nd Annual Symposium of the Applied Theatre Research and Autism Network
Presentation Topic: “Gray Matter(s): Good Perspective Taking Goes Beyond Black and White”

Harvard Medical School, Dept. of Continuing Education, Conference (November 2009)
Faculty Speaker, Autism Spectrum Disorders: From Childhood to Adulthood
Presentation Topic: “Changing Behaviors Through Social Skills Groups: A Drama/Relationship-Based Intervention”

Federation For Children with Special Needs, Annual Conference (March 2009)
Workshop Presenter , Visions of Community
Worskhop Topic: “Spotlight: A Social Skills Intervention for Children and Adolescents with Asperger’s, HFA, and other Core Social-Emotional Deficits”


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